Saturday, 29 August 2015

Thunder Crushed Wish

Night writing
Of a falling heart
Scarcity has lead to
The denial of one’s wish
Repetition of the same life style
Just from the worst part of it
Avoiding the best part of it
With fear of addiction
Addiction to the walk of shame
Populace path- the path of the most I know
Just for a change
My heart keeps on wishing
In thuds of resistance and worry
My heart is kept rolling into
By the best of my brains
I can’t seem to be reading
Notes from the book of my destiny
I guess... I need a stronger preacher
 Or a new formula
To push away this sickness
The same sickness that
Most have believed- to have pulled man down
In their fellowship I see them- with my own eyes
As they live on and their books of destiny
Where do I really belong to
In the comfort of my words- I am the king
But in reality I am an unfinished story
Understanding the sense
As the ink paints through
Good dreams knocked...
And I opened the door for them and their exit
Bad dreams knocked...
And I opened the door for them and their exit
Which door am I now to open and not to?
Why are my walls so numb and closed up
Without a door to knock on?
Dot... dot... dot... the ink runs through
From the deep solitary moments
To deep cheers of celebrations
I will strive myself through
Until I live it all
From the corner of creation
To the full circle of it!


Friday  28 August 2015
Written By: VaChikepe: The Poet

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

My Angelic Voices

How can I define you
Broken vocabulary
Incorrect grammar
Observation shared
Expression expressed

How can I define you
Through the years
You have kept
My heart smiling
My soul in comfort
And my spirit in good shape

I wonder...
Where you come from
From the tongue
Of a book...
I found you
From the voice
Of a human tongue
I found you
From reactions
Of all actions
I found you
Even in the deepest
Parts of my dreams
I found you

I wonder...
Where you are taking me
In this world of survival
Life, expectations and experience
Friends you gave me
Inquisitive brains you gave me
Identity you gave me
And a sphere full of possibilities
You shared with me

The words of my fingers
The voice of my voice box
Will we live together
Till the last dot
Will you not leave me
Like that beauty
That left a scare on my heart
Will you not let go my hand
In the times of difference
And will you not find
Pleasure in other spheres
Absent of my presence
My heart tell me...
You will not
I remember not inviting you
In my life...
But in my tears
Appeared your hand of comfort
In my joys
I heard your celebrating voice
On top of all...
I even tried to dump you
Several times... in search
Of greener pastures
Patiently you waited for me
Sometimes i met you
In the greener pastures
Ready to spark a big show for me...
The people’s great love
About my identity
By the creator
People are given gifts
Some don’t know it
Some don’t care
And some do abuse them
I wonder how it is being
Abused by your own gift...

But unto you...
I say
‘I love you so much’
My poetry
My blessed gift
From my Creator!
Against all dark forces
Of this world we will Win

I hear I write
I see I speak
I sense I express
I taste I share


Wednesday 26 August 2015
Written By: VaChikepe: The Poet

Saturday, 22 August 2015



You left my hair
Kinky and scattered
And you promised to marry me
But like a drainage pipe
You carried my heart away
And you damped her in a dish of sorrow
You left my face with an oval confusion
A circular motion of pain
Just in rotation
Without much notation
 My eyes swollen with tears
And with mucus
My nose helped my eyes-cry
I could not handle
Avoiding my mouth touch
With the open palm of my hand
That left me with a sense of comfort
With the understanding that
People can be funny, different and difficult
If it wasn't for me
Who then was worthy this pain
My hands silently withered
Down my shoulders without a pointer
Kinky and scattered 
My hair you left
And you promised to marry me
Only to drain my heart away
But a small smile
On my face
I will put
A better tomorrow
A bed full of living roses
With full sense of love
And heart restoring abilities. 

Poem:  Kinky Scattered Beauty
Artist: VaChikepe: The Poet
Sculpture: Cephas Mukundi
Year: August (2015)
Copyright (c)