Tuesday, 23 May 2017



If you are a women
Open your eyes
Do not let anyone close them
...Even on your behalf
But...just open them wider
To your own understanding!

More than the value of
Peals and diamonds
Is your worthiness...
Always look at yourself
In the mirror...every time
Before...you leave your room
Just to remind yourself of
How beautiful you are...
Before the face of this world!

Keep yourself smart
Keep yourself clean
Fresh and smiling
You are the most beautiful
Colour in this world...
So...shine on...
And do not let your star
Decay with anger...
But...let it shine on
Like the shining stars of the sky!

Anything that is not like yourself
Is open to open investigation!
And anything that is like you
Is open to open discussion!

Shine..on and shine on...
Let no man
Put off your fire...
In-between your pointing figure
And your fattest finger!
And let no man
Put off your fire
With an open mouthed cup full of water
Against your flame of survival!

Man... were created not to put off the fire...
But man were created to stir up
The goodness of your inner self
The blossoming of the inner beautiful fruits of life!

...and amongst them all
There is that special guy
Who will drive you crazy
Like a grape fruit...
Before the donkey’s nose in the road of love!

Like his Queen
He will carry you around
...be proud of you...
In his dream come true
And he will publish,
The sweetness of your love
Everyday like the daily mail!
His mystery oscillating from
His dream come true...
To expected reality unfolding!

I tell you girl...
You wouldn’t want to be with any other guy
Except...this guy
And to your satisfaction...
He is like the unexplainable part
Of every girl’s heart!

As special as he is...
Is as special as you are!
Do not carry yourself dirty
And do not end up dirty...
And please...
Do not let anyone play with your light

...Today it’s on...
Tomorrow it’s off
The day after tomorrow it’s on
And the other day it’s off!

Because the day will come
When you want to turn...
That beautiful light
Only to realize that

“You are...now...lightless!”

Do not compete with time,
You do not know...where it came from
And where it is going...
And do not be allured
To the precious values of this world
You are the biggest of them all...
And out of your value
Comes all the riches of this world
Beyond your imagination
...and beyond your anticipation!

Do not frustrate yourself
For nothing!
Do not be impatient
For nothing!
Open your eyes
...even wider to
Your understanding!

And remember
To realize and define yourself...
Every time you stand before the mirror
Just before you leave your room!

...for failure to realize and define yourself
Might lead you to a predictable- unfavourable end,
...But...the girl child...I know
Shines on...and...on...and on!

END!!! ***December/2015/(c)

 +263 772 488 777

Monday, 22 May 2017



No one can resist
The fire-smoke that runs
In our misty eyes...
A cover up for electrical shot
Dusty roads,
The gathering of our
School children,
The design of our streets...
Fish our daily vegetables,
Garden of herbs
Fresh air from the mountains...
Targeted Harare-shoppers,
The road-lighters
To Bulawayo...

Waves the mbira sound...
From the appointed
Throats and fingers
Of the spoken
Generational wisdom...
With the Catholic saints and angels
Flying so high,
Like the birds of the air,
The Katangeans with
The gifts of heaven!
And...dance we dance
To the traditional dance
Echoes from Malawi...
The once upon a time
Best night sleeper-beat!

Our silos full
Is the way we prefer ourselves!
Our thirst always quenched...
From Bombi to Coca-Cola,
Is the way we prefer our selves!

20 padollar
Dollar hobho
The slogan of our streets...
The best marketing aggression
I have met!

Village of Katanga
The chair of kings...
Where wisdom is
The proverb of the day
 The proverb...the simplest
Way to communicate!

Village of Katanga
The chair of chiesfs
Where world aeroplane routes
Are the dances of
The butterflies we see everyday!

Village of Katanga
The village of peace
With people of a slowly
Moderated, directed
And targeted steps...
People of cushioned energy
Ready for combustion!

The village of Katanga
My home, my town, my village...

“A dust cushioned and plastered dirty boy...
Heading towards his ordained dream”

If I was to imagine and paint
The location of Katanga...
I would place it
In the midst of Zambezi river...
As a rich green Island
In between Zimbabwe and Zambia!
But in reality...
It’s just a swing...
In between Harare and Chegutu!

Village of Katanga
Village of Katangeans
Village of Katanga
Village of peace
Village of Katanga
A village welcome to all!
 +263 772 488 777

Tuesday, 9 May 2017



I just want to talk to you
I just feel like talking to you
Every time I think of you...
I just want to talk to you!

Its like...
There is a small hole
In my heart
That I sometimes fail to scratch
Slowly and sweetly
You shampoo it
With your cloth of sweetness...

Like the softness
Of smile flying feet
On a massage drill
With small tickles
Of happiness
Is how I feel
When I am with you
Is how you occupy
My space
With your irresistible influence
Enfolded in the depth
Of time being fulfilled...

I send you my inner emotions
Clothed in words
In your inbox
Just to show myself
Inside out
The design of a gentleman...
But most of the times
It is not enough

It is not enough
Most of the times
For I can only send you
A message in your inbox
But fail to send you
A message from your inbox
To the inbox of your inbox...

How many of you
Have managed to send messages
From the inbox of your beloved ones
To the inbox of the inbox of your beloved ones?

I guess...few if not few!

In my inbox
I am full of love
So free and happy
So exited and grateful
And so comfortable and blessed!

But in your inbox
I am cold and slow
Pride and chilly
And sometimes

In the inbox of my inbox
I am really a happy man
Who really enjoys life
As it comes!

And in the inbox of your inbox
I rarely find you
I rarely meet you
We rarely talk
And you rarely touch
The veins of my heart!

That is why
I rarely like my inbox
That is why
I rarely like your inbox
Or the inbox of my inbox
...but, always so allured to
Understand the inbox of your inbox!

For the inbox of your
Inbox + the inbox of my
Inbox is = to the true
Inbox close to reality.

Usually people can live
But far from reality,
Again they
Usually live in...

And in reality
People barely meet
People barely talk
And people barely live...

In reality
With you my dear
We shall visit
We shall travel
We shall understand
And we shall share
And rejoice...

I feel the sweet fresh breath
Of your mouth in my ears
As you feel the coming
Of sweet taste of sweetness...
Every time you think of me

In reality
With you my dear
We shall visit
We shall travel
We shall understand
And we shall share
And rejoice...

Reality is better than victimization
Yes victimization
The people fighting disease
Sometimes too big to be broken
By their imagination and innovation
As it appears to be difficult
To live in a society without victims!

But...unto reality
With you my dear
We shall visit
We shall travel
We shall understand
And we shall share
And rejoice...

For reality
Is better than victimization!


 +263 772 488 777