Friday, 20 April 2018

Kupera KwaPerai Hupenyu

Vanhu havatye kufa
Asi vanotya kushaya
Zvavanenge vachida
Muhupenyu usatye
Kurarama, nokuti
Hupenyu hunotokutya
Rega uye azoti
Kufa hakuuraye
Nokuti akaona vamwe
Vapukunyuka rufu
Apo vakanga vafa
Nanhasi vapenyu
Hupenyu hweupenyu
Haupere, hwakafanana
Nemvura yose iripo
Pano pasi
Donhwe nedonhwe
Uriwega ukaipedza
Saka vaye vanofunga
Kuti vanopedza
Hupenyu vanotamba
Nokuti ndivo
Kusvika vapera
Kuti dhu-pepepe-dhu

“Kupera KwaPerai Hupenyu”

#VaChikepe: The Poet

#+263 772 488 777

Photo By: Jeremy Bishop

Thursday, 19 April 2018

“Boundaries (The Land of Poetry)” Official Video

The “Boundaries (The Land of Poetry)” video is now officially finished and out. This is my second official video after the “Chidhori: Untold” video that was published in 2015. Boundaries explores different mindsets we have subscribed to as human beings, spells out new generation Zimbabwean poetry, energy of lively poetry skills and pronouncing VaChikepe: The Poet as one of most talented poet in this 21 Century. Life of a poet is not easy, as it sometimes seems to be a traditional form of classical art that lost its taste as art continued to grow, but this is not the case according to this poet. His fans sometimes calling him ‘The Poetic Maestro’ and ‘The Poetician’, he says Poetry is the Standard International Unit (SI Unit) of every art in this world; once someone masters the art of poetry creativity and innovation becomes the person’s easy steps to inventing, discovering and rediscovering a new sphere of composure sweeter than the best way we can define art. 
This type of art does not need sweet words to sugarcoat it. Action, results and time will enable the audience to pronounce those words we can fail to spell out on this paper. In context, VaChikepe would like to thank Bridgewater College (Virginia)-through Prof Stan Galloway for discovering him, Amina’s Gift (North Carolina)-through Dr Terrence Brayboy for supporting him over the years, 28 Shinning Stars as the family behind the poet, Methodist Church in Zimbabwe-through Rev Aaron Makiwa as the aura that surrounds this poetic mastermind and 100 Sailors as the poet’s vision to teaching poetry and connecting all pieces of poetry together so as to understand the poem of our lives. “Poetry sometimes is something that you do not understand, but enjoying the feeling of trying to understand it…Poetry is my life and I love my life” concludes VaChikepe: The Poet.
Enjoy the “Boundaries” video and remember to support this Poetic-Genius!

Yours in ink

Publisher T.P Chikepe

Takudzwa Chikepe (fb)
+263 772 488 777    
@publishar (twitter)

View and Comment via the attached YouTube link Below:

Thursday, 12 April 2018

I killed death

I am in love with a beast
No one knows it
Except me and the beast
I have disappeared
From my circles of vicinity
To the secrecy of my knowing
They think I was devoured
In the land of the beasts
The land that devours everything
Except the beasts that live in it
Indeed from an opened mouth
I escaped death with
My own two eyes open
How it happened, it’s difficult to explain
But what I concluded was
I would rather die smiling
Than die crying
I would rather die in smiles
Than die in tears
Without a thought
The beast turned its head
To concentrate on a nearby sudden sound
Like I was holding a big machete
I jumped on the beast-back
And I smoothly and softly killed death
As if I was quickly moving my machete
With all the power of my hands, arms and body
So as to quickly machete out the beast’s head
Out of death, life was given
And we all survived from all our fears
From that day onwards, I realized
The best way to kill death
Is to give life!
Without life death can die
And with life death do live
Death needs life to live
And with life death lives on!
We live with living death
That failed to die
Living death afraid of dead death
For her-she knows
Wherever there is life
I live on!
On and on and on…
Indeed I killed death!
I did not kill
The dead death
But I killed
The living death.

“I killed death”

#VaChikepe: The Poet

#+263 772 488 777

Photo By: Javier PeƱas

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Boundaries (The Land of Poetry) demo 2

(The Land of Poetry)
Video Coming Soon!!!
||Bookings: Contact Details||
#VaChikepe: The Poet
+263 772 488 777