Tuesday 23 December 2014


Wednesday 24 December 2014
Written: 2014 (My African Mental Physics [9] )
Start: 01:40
End:  02:25

When it happened…
I wasn’t there!
How it happened…
I do not know!
If I was to be asked,
I would say I was at school…
Reading books!

How it happened…
You do not know!
What will happen…
You do not know!
Where were you?
In the future…
Your past,
Preparing for your present!

How is your present?
You do not know…
Do I know?
I do not know…
Then who knows?
The same guy you were with,
In the future…
Your past,
Preparing for your present!

What is it that I can tell you?
What is it that I can tell you,
That will give you a pathway…
To your betterself?

Time… does not save you because you are intelligent
Air… does not spare you because you are ambitious
History…does not forgive you because you are different
And future does not choose you because you are born!

It is all in you my nephew
It is all in you my brother
And it is all in my blood.

Trees do speak, but people do cut
Rivers do sing, but people choke them
Animals do smile, but people do burn them!

What is it that I can tell you…
What is it that I can tell you my nephew?

Tears do come,
But you can tear them apart!
Happiness do come,
But do not be deserved with it!
Mysteries do come,
But do not let them clone you!
For you are just a vein of truth…
Chosen from the softness of purity.

Yes, you shall oscillate in the reactions of human exfoliation
But that will not turn off your light!
Yes, you shall excavate the richness of neatness
But that will not stop your infinity multiplicity!
Yes, you shall treatise all your hidden hypothesizes
But that will not blow off the beauty of your soul!

Please let your eyes see so that you can see!
Please let your ears hear so that you can hear!
Please let you nose smell so that you can sense!
Please let your hands touch so that you can feel!
And please let your tongue taste so that you can have a taste!

Love the light and stay in its truth…
But also remember, darkness is peaceful and gives focus.
Those people ran away from darkness,
Because they exhausted its darkness.
They took away light threw it in darkness…
And filled it with darkness!
A curse that runs through their generations…
One scholar said ‘Inside light there is darkness’
And another one said
‘I love darkness, because it gives me a good reason to love the stars’
And my book tells me ‘darkness was separated from light’
Or vice-versa…It is becoming difficult to remember these days
Because our minds have been manifested by repeated redundancy
They call ‘oasis of knowledge’ and our eyes only see the light produced by electricity!
Our ears hear not to be heard…but repeated redundancy
Awkward stupidity overdosed to systematic perfection!

These lessons shall be your first steps to divinity
And divinity will bring you to spirituality…
And spirituality will bring you to all that will follow!

Just like old times…
My phone is now battrey less
I wonder why they are not creating phones that does not need batteries!
My pen is now inkless…
I wonder why they did not create pens that are inkless!
My alarm is about to ring…
I wonder why they did not create individual alarms, that does not disturb the person next to you
Or in the same room with you!
I wonder why do I need an identity card in my own country!
Wonder….wonder…wonder…why would we wonder when the truth is there?

I guess,
These lessons shall be your first steps to divinity
And divinity will bring you to spirituality…
And spirituality will bring you to all that will follow!
As soon as I get more ink
I believe I shall find your curiosity,
Printed on my white pages in your favourite white ink!


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