Friday, 31 October 2014


VaChikepe: The Poet: WAIGOCHERA PAUTSI MPFANHA: Saturday 1 November 2014 Written: 2008 ( Nzarabwe [2] ) Start: 1:14 Waigochera pautsi Mpfanha Hiya! Nhasi waigochera pautsi… K...


VaChikepe: The Poet: WAIGOCHERA PAUTSI MPFANHA: Saturday 1 November 2014 Written: 2008 ( Nzarabwe [2] ) Start: 1:14 Waigochera pautsi Mpfanha Hiya! Nhasi waigochera pautsi… K...


Saturday 1 November 2014
Written: 2008 ( Nzarabwe [2] )
Start: 1:14
Waigochera pautsi Mpfanha
Hiya! Nhasi waigochera pautsi…
Kuita kudhonza shumba nemuswe wayo chaiko…
Uchida kuityisidzira nemazino ehuku…
Anooneka yakavhara muromo chete
Yavhura muromo- vakuru vezivende chaivo!

Nhasi waita mahwekwe nezvigure
Wakabata tsvarapasi yehuku
Uchataura kuti huku yese waiviga kupi!
Nhasi waita rombo rakashata
Kurumwa nenyuchi mumuti
Pasi paine shumba nhatu
Dzirikudya yechina nenzara!

Nhasi uchataura chakatadzisa gudo kutsvuka
Iro rakatsvuka ose magadziko!
Nhasi uchataura chakatadzisa bhoki kuseka
Kunyina nekuumburuka sedhongi Vachigona!
Nhasi uchataura chakatadzisa dhimba kumhanya
Iye makumbo ekumhanyisa ainawo!
Nhasi uchataura chirikunditadzisa kukuzhagada
Ini ndakadai zvangu kukutarisa!

Ukati wako mudzimu unokuda?
Chokwadi…kukusakidzira pachoto usina shashiko!
Chokwadi kukudhonzera musoro wako
Mumukanwa wengwena, iro rino gore renzara rakadai?
Chokwadi  kukutakurisa mugomo wemvura
Nehakata yerovambira kuita here ikoko?
Hamheno- pamwe unokuda!
Nokuti kupera kwezuva ranhasi…
Uchange wakufara kunyikadzimu mukomana!

Zvandakuona kudai zvanaka!
Ndicharisvina rangu bundu…
Kuti svi-svi-svi
Kusara pasina kana katsvina…
Mukati mewangu mwoyo!
Nhasi ndichambosendekawo iri zidombo
Rangarakaremedza angu mafudzi!
Nhasi ndichambobwiswawo misodzi pamatama…
Neako maoko embavha asingagone kuzvishandira
Zvimwe ungashandewo… ukabuditsawo rako ziya!

Ukati unonyatsondiziva mushe here mukomana?
Chokwadi haundiziveba mukomana!
Wakandionera mubhodhoro chaimo mukomana
Kana kuti waita zvekundidongorera…
Napamaburi etswanda chaiwo mukomana!
Zvino nhasi uchandiona…kuti
Ndakabva kuvakafa chaiko mukomana!
Dzangaradzimu-chipoko-chidhoma chaicho mukomana!
Mubati nemudyi wechinonhuwa…chaiye mukomana!
Haaaaaa wairasa mukomana- mukomana wairasa!

Nhasi ndirikuda kukuonesa magaro enyoka
Wapedza ndokutuma kunotsvaga bhonzo renhunzi
Ndakamirira kuti undiigire nyanga yebete!
Asi usati waita zvose izvozvo…
Unenge watanga wazvirova mambama neako makumbo!
Ndisati ndakubata neangu mapazi emaoko
Anorova mbama inodzinga shiri dzose mugomo…
Dzichimhanyira mumatendere adzo ebani
Dzofunga kuti nguva yehondo yatanga zvakare!

Nhasi ndichakupeta-peta…
Ndokupfekedza mumwena wamasvosve
Ndokunge ndakunzwira tsitsi!
Asi ndikafunga ndichakupfekedza pfumo rangu…
Mumuromo wako…richinobudikira kwazvakarehwa!
Ndozongokusiya ndakagadzika pfumo racho pachoto…
Zvese new eusina nguwo!
Kana ndazoda kukuitira hutsinye…
Ndichazviuraya ndapedza kukuuraya
Kuti usazonditiza kunyikadzimu!
Ndoda kusvikirana newe kunyikadzimu…
Kuti titangire patakasiira
Semuverengi webhuku rinotyisa!

Shuwa ungandibire******* rangu iwewe (Toki)?  
Very silly mpfanha iwewe!
Nhasi waigochera pamoto mukomana!
Nhasi ndoda kukudzidzisa…
Kutanga wafunga usati waita!
Waigochera pautsi mukomana…
Yako nyama yawakadai…
Kubuditsira ziso!

MAGUMO: 1:57

By VaChikepe: The Poet
(+263) 0772 488 777
Publisher T.P Chikepe
(Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)

Thursday, 30 October 2014

VaChikepe: The Poet: WASHAYA MPFANHA

VaChikepe: The Poet: WASHAYA MPFANHA: Friday 31 October 2014 Written: 2008 ( Nzarabwe [4] ) Start: 00:25 WASHAYA MPFANHA Washaya zvekuita handiti! Kuteedzana nenhet...


Friday 31 October 2014
Written: 2008 ( Nzarabwe [4] )
Start: 00:25
Washaya zvekuita handiti!
Kuteedzana nenhetembo dzangu…
Kutanga na‘Mumwe wangu hwahwa’
Kusvika ikozvino panana ‘Ko wandikanganwireiko Zimbabwe’
Ukati ‘Ini huku mutorwa’ hausi wakutoidetemba nemuridzo?
Kuzoti ‘Waigochera pautsi mpfanha’
Ndofunga wakutoidetemba nemhino chaidzo!

Asi unofunga kuti handinetewo here?
Kunyangwe dhonza, inga rinonetawo wani!
Horaiti…chimbondipawo zvekunyora zvacho…haudi!
Ukati zita rako repiri haunzi ‘kiti’ here iwewe?
Chaunoramba uchipenengurira mapeji erangu bhuku chii?
Unofunga kuti unowana dzimwe nhetembo here?
Dzichibvepi? Asi unoti ndiri svikiro rinonyutsa zvinhu?
Hamheno! Asi unondishamisa mpfanha iwewe…
Kubva kumba kwenyu kwese uko,
Mazuva ese uchiuya kuzotarisa
Kuti hakuna dzimwe nhetembo dzinyowani?
Asi hauna ako maoko kani?
Ko zvaunenge une mapango emaoko wani?
Ukati dzako tsoka hadzisati dzapera?
Kana kuti unedehwe chairo pasi petsoka- pamwe?

Ko inga dhunge-tunge resoro unaro wani…
Rakazvimbira mativi ese sebhazi rekwaMatemba!
Ko zvino makazara mvura chete here- hamheno?
Saka chaunofungawo chii- hamheno?
Kutadzawo kufunga kangano,
Wonyora zvinenge zvapindamo mudzoro rako…
Chokwadi unoshaya mpfanha iwewe,
Kushaya zvekuita chaiko!

Ha-aya, mushamisi wavashamisi chaivo!
Ha-aya, wazoshaya zvekuita manje…
Basa ndiro rimwe chete,
Rekupenengura pfungwa dzangu!
Unondipenengura ndagova bete
Rakahwanda pasi pegoko renzungu
Richidyz kafufu kechingwa kani?

Unonzwa rakumakwa bhuku…
Nemurairidzi-chiona zvibodzwa zvinoiswapo!
Ha-a ‘Here- here ndove, Gehena naIni huku…’
Ndidzo dzinonakidza!
Ko iwe dzako dzawakanyora ndedzipi?
Daira demba padare ramakarwe!
Kunyangwe ndikanyora ‘Hesi musikana’
Ndogumira ipapo- ndini!
Ko dzako dzawakanyora ndedzipi?
Aiwa ndakuomesera!
Ko rako izwi kana vara rawakanyora nderipi- hapana?
Kana kuti pedzesa yangu yandagumira panzira- haugoni?
Maziso boi-boi kunditarisa!

Nyon’onyon’o manyon’orosi enyon’orosi!
Ndizvo zvaunogona kutaura chete!
Hanzi ‘Washaya- washaya-washaya mpfanha’
Semaonero angu pandinoshayira,
Ndipowo…pandinotangira kuwanira mufunge!

Chokwadi washaya zvekuita mpfanha
Washaya, washaya- washaya!
Paneni haukwane bhurugwa mpfanha!
Waita mutete- mutete, mutete mupfupi chaiye!

Dai taiva motokari
Iwe ungadai uri bhamba datya…
Ini ndiri Prado chaiyo!   
Dai taiva mhuka chaidzo
Iwe ungadai uri kadhimba chaiko…
Ini ndiri vedu Samanyanga nzou chaivo!
Uri kuzvinzwa here mpfanha?
Daiu taiva mhuka dzine rakagwamba ropa
Iwe ungadai uri dzvinyu…
Ini ndiri shato chaiyo!

Wazviona mpfanha…
Usashaye zvekuita uchidaro- wazvinzwa?
Chausinganzwisisi, pfonyera muromo munhino…
Wozobuditsa wapako wega!
Nokuti ungaputikirwe nechimbambaira chezvigure!

Inga hausi mhetamakumbo wani…
Nhabvu wambozama here?
Kana tsiva chaidzo?
Sezvo mapango emaoko uinawo!
Ukati hauswinywe nemagaro here iwewe?
Nokuti kamufambiro kako aka mpfanha…
Ndekekubatirwa pfuti chaiko!

Aiwa mpfanha- usati kutukwa kwete
Asi kungoshayawo, sekushayawo kwako!
Kwaunongoita paunotaura zvaunoda nenhetembo dzangu…
Paunodzipikisa nekudzipikisinura!
Paunodziponda- dzichikupondawo sazvinoizvi!
Asi unondishamisa wena…
Rega rega raMwari uchingouya kuzoropodza
Padzangu nhetembo- nepasingade kuropodza pese!

Zvisinei hazvo, tiri shiri…
Dzemudendere rimwe chete!
Pakushaya, uko kushaya zvekuita!
Nerimwe zuva tichawanawo zvekuita
Takamirira kuwanikwa nenguva handiti?
Saka ita zvako zvaunoita…
Zvinondipa mamwe mazano mudehenya rangu

MAGUMO: 01:08

By VaChikepe: The Poet
(+263) 0772 488 777
Publisher T.P Chikepe
(Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

VaChikepe: The Poet: INI HUKU MUTORWA

VaChikepe: The Poet: INI HUKU MUTORWA: Monday 28 October 2014 Written: 2007 ( Nzarabwe [1] ) Start: 17:05 INI HUKU MUTORWA Ndini zvangu Huku, Nkuku pachirudzi, Muts...


Monday 28 October 2014
Written: 2007 ( Nzarabwe [1] )
Start: 17:05
Ndini zvangu Huku,
Nkuku pachirudzi,
Muhwandachando nemanhenga,
Kubuda kwaro zuva vanondiziva!
Shamwari yemunhu pakumuka,
Asi iye munhu achindisema?
Sechitubu chechimbuzi,
Naiwo maitiro ake!

Richingoti vhuu-u zuva kubuda
Ndinomumutsa munhu,
Asi iye anenge bofu kusazviona!
Chaanoona chete,
Chikafu chake nekuziva kuenda kuchimbuzi,
Ini ndakangoti hwaradada,
Muromo wakaoma nenzara!
Kudoedza kuti kuno-kuno-kuno
Haanzwi kana kamwe chete!
Unonzwa zvonzi,
‘Huku dzinoonererwa, kumuka neruzha kwauyeyi?’
Kana donhwe remvura chairo haurione!

Pava paye, aenda kuchimbuzi
Kaviri kana katatu,
Unonzwa roti dhi-dhi-dhi…
Kuritaira kwandiri
Panguva iyoyo, ndaziya zvangu nenzara
Apo ndinenge ndangova chitsumwa, kutsumwaira nenzara,
Wonzwa zvonzi,
‘Asi huku dziri kurwara here?’
Hubenzi wacho, kuzvibvunza ega,
Anofunga kuti anodairwa nani?
Kana achifunga ini,
Ini handitambe naye!
Kunge kundinzwa…
Unonzwa zvonzi
‘Usadzipe chakawanda chikafu dzinorasa’
Ini zvangu Mufanenzara, kurasa chikafu ini?
Inga chinopenga chisikwa chaMwari ichi!
Manje chikafu chacho ndinongoti,
Nyobvo-nyobvo, nokuti chinenge chekukonorerwa…
Zvino ndichachigadzirisa chete chisikwabonga ichi!

Shamwari dzangu padzinopfuura
Dzichiendeswa kumusika  
Dzinopfuura dzichindichiva, kuti ndigere
Nokuda kwezimufete-fete remba ravanoona
Apo dzinofunga, ndizvo zvimwezvo neyangu imba!
Asi pota kuseri uone!
Kachirugu kezenge nemaplastic…
Kuita kunge kachadonha
Negosoro rembwa!
Kudoedza kuti, ndivakireiwo imba
Unonzwa zvonzi,
‘Tinofanira kuwedzera matanda nemaplastic’
Kuitawo here ikoko?
Nemusvetu iwowo,
Ndichamugadzirisa chete munhu!

Rimwe zuva unonzwa zvonzi,
‘Ita mazai, ita mazai
Ita manyowa, ita manyowa’
Anofunga kuti twuchikafu twake itwotwo…
Twunopfuura pahuro here?
Rimwe zuva azvifunga anondinyima chikafu
Ini ndomwa supu yeropa rangu, nenzara
Wonzwa zvonzi
‘Wadzyirei mazai- wadyirei mazai’
Kwachu muromo, piswe!
Hona nhasi handisisina mazino,
Ndanechirurimi, uye haachandinzwi
Zvongonzi ‘Rine ruzha iro, rine ruzha’

Anopenga mpfanha uyu!
Ukati akaenda kuchikoro here iyeyu?
Ngaabvunze isu takadya maB
Tikaita mutserendende pamaA
Uye muzerere pamaC.
Angati, ‘Wadyirei mazai?’
Haazive here kuti paBiology
Muzai imomo munenge musina chinhu?
Isu tinenge tatozvicalculeta kare…
Anofunga kuti ndiri benzi saye?
Kuchekeresa mwana, nenyaya yeutsinye?
Chokwadi munhu- anondinhuhwira!
Ndofunga munhu- Chidimbu chezita rako…
Munhuwi- Uri munhuwi chaiwo…
Munhu unondinhuhwira iwe!

Ini handina kuypusa sewe,
Ndosva ndadyiwa nebonga panewe!
Nokuti zvose zvaunoita ndinozviziva…

Mwedzi wakapera, wakanyengetedza
Sisi vangu netwugwere
Ndokuvavhunira musoro, kuseri kwechikwenzi
Ukadya neshamwari yako ‘Banda’
Uya akazofa nemuchetura nenyaya yemakaro!
Vhiki rakapera, ukatora bhudhi JOE-JONGWE
Nenyaya yemakaro, ukaita zvimwezvo!

Zvino kana wakateya ini,
Wazvirasira dhora rako murwizi!
Ndoda kutanga nekusakandira…
Ndozvinyima zvekudya kuti ndisaite manyowa
Ndapedzazvo ndozopoya muchirugu chako,
Chinemabhuri anenge mavende echimwana chemvana kudaro…

Haufi wakandionafuti-munhu
Nhinhi, munhuwi wemunhu, Nhinhi
Haufi wakandionafuti,
Ndichakugarisa papfumo
Nairoro zuva, Ndichakugadzirisa
Munhu-wi wemunhu-Munhu!

MAGUMO: 17:50

By VaChikepe: The Poet
(+263) 0772 488 777
Publisher T.P Chikepe
(Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)

Saturday, 25 October 2014


VaChikepe: The Poet: HWAHWA MUMWE WANGU: Saturday 25 October 2014 Written: 2009 ( Nzarabwe [7] ) Start: 3:45 HWAHWA MUMWE WANGU Mhorozve hwahwa! Mhamba donhodzo remoyo...


Saturday 25 October 2014
Written: 2009 ( Nzarabwe [7] )
Start: 3:45
Mhorozve hwahwa!
Mhamba donhodzo remoyo wangu.
Waiti zvandakakusiya, wangu moyo wakakusiya?
Kana zvirizvo nhasi wairasa!
Nhasi ndiri kukugarira pachipfuva chaipo,
Haikona hako kutya,
Nhasi ndichakutsvoda-tsvoda kusvika wakupisa.
Ndafara kukuona shamwari hwahwa
Asi unoti ukachema ndichakusiya?
Zvino bodo- ndichakupukuta,
Ndigokutsvoda-tsvoda kako kamuromo kapfumbu,
Semunhenga wachapungu- usingadonhe pasi.

Ihe-e hede. H’ya-a wairasa sahwira
Setsono yadonhera mujecha,
Nokuti nhasi ndichakushapira kusvika wasara waShapiro…
Ndokubata nepaiko nhai iwe shamwari?
Nepahuro here?
Napamuchiuno here?
Kana naipo pagadziko pako chaipo,
Kuti ushaye kwekutiza nako,
ndinyatsowane kukukokota wese,
uchiri kubuditsa musodzi nemufaro kudai.
Pasare pasina kana kadonhwe kemusodzi wako.

Pfushii-e. H’ya-a ndaukodobora muromo wako
O-ona hede! Ukasha kubuda mumuromo,
Kunge twuutsi twekasipiti…
Ndinokudzvuta chete,
ndigokududa wese,
kusvika wapera wese,
kusvika wapera sahwi,
rongosara iro dehenya rako risisina chinhu.

Hongu ndizvo chaizvo sahwira,
nyatsodzikai henyu makadzikama.
Nyatsopindai henyu mumatadza,
Siyayi mamusuka samare,
Nyatsopindai nemukati memazino,
Musiye changova chando chega-chega.
Rurimi siyayi mamudzimaidza,
Nerenyu donhodzao romuviri.
Heya! Napo paVaGurokuro,
Vasiyeyi mavadzimaidza,
Richingova dzungu chete-chete!
Ehekaka dzikai henyu changamire!
Rovai matumbu ose,
Nezvose zviri munzira yemudumbu,
Kusvika kwangova kuuna-una chete!

Yowe! Kupiswa mudumbu
Hiya! Apa wazondironda sahwira wangu.
Kuitwa hwekumonywa- monywa,
Semutsipa wenkuku,
Apa wandibaira kusionekwi sahwira wangu.
Maziso angova rembu-rembu rare-rare saVadahwa,
 Siriri richingova siriri-siriri
SaVaBere vaona chitunha chemhembwe.
Kumira yangova dzedzere-dzedzere pasi pu!
Kutaura yangova nda, nda nda nda, nda ndanda nda
Kuri kutadza kutaura.
Ko zvanga zvauya rinhi,
Vanhu vanga vachitamba vese zvakanaka?
Ko kutsiva chitema ndokunei?
Inga zvinonzi akupa mbama mupe rimwe dama!

Ha-a sahwira nyaya yacho yakaoma.
Ndatenda hangu mukomana dzako hasha,
Ishasha chaidzo sarwaivhi asingasiye chaaruma.
Chindisiyawo shamwari ndapfidza,
Dzangu pfungwa angova matende-tendere kutenderera.
Ndazviona nhasi wauya wakashatirwa kwazvo,
Chipukuta misodzi iyo ichiri kungodzika,
Shamwari ndiregererewo ndapfidza,
Handichakutokonye zvakare,
Sezvo hukasha hwako, huri kuenda nakuenda saSave.

Aiwa zvaitwa, zvaitwa shamwari
Sahwira wepedyo ndadzidza,
Mukawo hapasisina,
Kana iyo huro nhasi yapfidza.
Rangova furo chete!
Ndichakusiya shamwari kunyangwe uchichema,
Shamwari ndichakusiya…
Ndazviona haudi kuitirwa mukawo,
Mukawo pasi, pasi namakaro!

Aiwa wandigona shamwari!
Changu chiso hauchachione zvakare,
Kamuroyi keshamwari,
Ndosva ndatizira zvangu kuna tsvutugadzike!

Mudzika pasina kutya,
Mufamba nevamwe pahuro,
Mupedza nyota,
Muhaku-munaku wamangwanani,
Kana manheru pachingezi…

Handichatambe newe futi bhora,
Ndazviona unobirira- unowedzera vamwe vatambi!
Ndikakuona uri wega,
Handisweropedze nguva ndichikuongorora…

Ndichakutiza zvisina mukare akamboona,
Asi ziva kuti pandichakuwanikidza,
Nedzangu shamwari ndichakududa wese,
Kusara wangova zidemhe- ngoma yamachawa chaiyo!

MAGUMO: 4:32

By VaChikepe: The Poet
(+263) 0772 488 777
Publisher T.P Chikepe
(Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)


Wednesday, 22 October 2014


VaChikepe: The Poet: SEKURU VANGU VACHIPUNZA: Wednesday 22 October, 2014 Written on the 2 nd of March 2014 Sekuru Vangu VaChipunza Nhai sekuru maita sei? Maitaseiko ch...


Wednesday 22 October, 2014

Written on the 2nd of March 2014

Sekuru Vangu VaChipunza

Nhai sekuru maita sei?
Maitaseiko chakuradzikai nemusana?
Maitaseiko zvatakushayai…
Pagungano romufaro kudai?
Maitaseiko mabatisa…
Vazhinji matama mumaoko?
Maitaseiko nhai sekuru…
Maitaseiko nhai asekuru!

Ko mashayi zvamakadzinga kare wani!
Ko mashayi zvatakadzinga kare wani!
Chazova chii, ichi nhai futi?
Chine kumeso kwakashama segoni…
Chisinganyare kufamba chisina shashiko,
Chisinganyare kubvarurira mhapa paruzhinji!

Zvakadai izvi tinopisa nemwoto!
Mwoto weMweya Mutsvene tinoshevedzera!
Mwoto weMweya Mutsvene tinoburutsa!
Mwoto weMweya Mutsvene- tinosvipisa izvi…
Zvine tsika dzinamanyemwe semakumbo ezongororo!
Nezita raMambo Jesu tichifamba mumakomborero…
Tichipinda mune mamwe makomborero makuru!
Ngirozi dzichiombera maoko
Mudzimu unoera uchitigonesa
Samasimba vachinyemwerera…
Zvavo vakagara pachigaro chiTsvene!

Aiwa chisimukai henyu sekuru…
Aiwa chisimukai henyu asekuru…
Vedu vezvomweya!
Mufudzi wemweya yedu…
Muriritiri weshungu dzedu!
Muponesi wemarwadzo edu
Munun’una waIshe wedu Jesu Christu chaiye!

Aiwa chisimukai henyu sekuru…
Aiwa chisimukai henyu asekuru…
Mbiri nerukudzo zvirambe zvichipihwa kuMusiki
Kuburikidza  nechipo chehupenyu hwenyu uhwu
Kuburikidza nerufaro rwenyu urwu…
Kudzamara kuve nekusingaperi peri…!

By VaChikepe: The Poet
(+263) 0772 488 777
Publisher T.P Chikepe
(Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)

Monday, 20 October 2014


VaChikepe: The Poet: TSHAKA ZULU: SHAKESPEARE'S SHORT TROUSERS: Monday 20 October, 2014 Start: 22:22 Tshaka Zulu: Shakespeare’s short trousers Please pour your heart on me… Please tell m...


Monday 20 October, 2014

Start: 22:22

Tshaka Zulu: Shakespeare’s short trousers

Please pour your heart on me…
Please tell me the crust of your truth
And I can comfort your heart with love!
Why would you run away from that granny?
Without saying good bye or even trying to offer her something?

Why do we always get these patterns in life?
One person that will fully help you
To cross that bridge of life…
Is the same person, you ran away from every day!
Why do we always hand around people who tear our hearts apart?
As we pretend that all is well?

Pretendence! Pretendence!
Is there a reason to pretend?
Are you not the master mind to this- Shakespeare?
“Heee this world is a stage where everyone is an actor”

Acting! Acting!
I am not acting! I am living!
I guess, life is a battle for the truth or not!
For me… I chose the truth.

I wouldn’t want to live a life pinned on its falsehood…
But the truth- I will forever hold in the breast plate of my heart!
 I wouldn’t want to live in time pinned on its falsehood…
But the truth- I will forever hold in the breast plate of my heart!
I wouldn’t want to live for a destiny pinned on its falsehood…
But the truth- I will forever hold in the breast plate of my heart!

Who said “Heaven is not there…
And hell is coming?”

To this, do you subscribe?
To this, do you not see every day?
To this, I will forever hold in the breast plate of my heart!

A life of falsehood- full of the maximum joy that an individual can see!
A life of truth- full of fear of isolation and wrong paint, being painted and glued towards the heart!
Isn’t the heart created to love?
Then- what will it love? From this dish full of fear?
Fear- to systemize the system…
And fear to fight against the system powers!
That I respect…But soon I will change!

Whose short way it anyway?
That brought this revelation…
And that brought this destiny full of life?

From his vision she believed
From his fears she comforted
From his curiosity she cared
From his suspicion she presented
From his truth she became afraid and wished for an answer
From his appearance she disappeared
From her disappearance she lied and lied and lied!
She even painted abstract pictures…
I could hardly see with my own naked eye
All I believed1 because I am a believer and I trust her
From all her efforts, I greatly appreciated
Because, it was a miracle that came true!
Because, when it comes to the truth- we do not disconnect!

Tell me…
What would you do? If you believe in a miracle…
Yet that miracle is the deepest crust of lies?
Tell me…tell me…
What would you do?

What would you do…?
If you are told exactly the same about your church…
Tell me…tell me…
What would you do?

You want deeper truth?
Ok fine…
What happened to all the people who died before you were born?
What will happen to Mohammed people, Buddha people, Rastafarian people or even Jesus people, who are yet to be born?
And who knows what will happen to the first day of the last?

The truth- is the ultimate bone and breathe to life.
Who would want to chew your bone away from you?
Who would want to inhale all your breathe from you?
To that- imprison that cell and send it to hell fire!

Whose hand was it that sewed the short?
 The hand from mother love- that sewed the short
Many reckless hands that sewed the short from the factory
Many buttons from the computer- that sewed the short from the system
Or- that gifted hand in the community- that sewed the short…from hunger inspiration and financial anticipation?
I guess, in this life- I will only wear hand crafted shorts…or shorts that comes from the purity of my fingerprints.

The truth- is the ultimate bone and breathe to life.
Without it… we people we, we disadvantage ourselves from all pleasure of life!
If that is the case…like Lazarus in the bible,
All people who were born from their deathdays
Are living a life of regret and wishes!
Then- what would you say
To the people…born from their birthdays
To live and living a life of regret and wishes?

“Dead man walking” How would you know- how would you tell?
Then-who has life? And what has he done with it?

Isralites were God’s people…
What is it that they did to help humanity to be close to the creator?
Or it is a game of individuality and secrecy?
Then- will the prophets of truth lie…especially in the times of Ebola?

I do not know the rest…but I wish the best!
For me…I will live,
Not among the dead to be dead
But to resurrect the dead
And live more and more life and lives to come!

What pain does a candle get from candling 7 billion candles?
Are we not the light of this life?
Don’t forget to lighten the next light…
And live in paths full of bright lights…
Like the story- God’s paths are full of lights and life!

Whose short is it anyway?
That brought this revelation…
That brought this destiny full of light?
I believe, they all have their own shorts
But, they can’t resist their love towards this short.

What would you do- if you were too short to wear a short?
Or- if you were too long to wear a short?
I guess, it is the same with life…
Always be alert and ready…
To receive all blessings, that this has created for you!
Not being alert…
You will become too short
 Or you will become too tall
For this short!!!

End: 23:42

By VaChikepe: The Poet
(+263) 0772 488 777
Publisher T.P Chikepe
(Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)

Sunday, 19 October 2014


VaChikepe: The Poet: THE SALIVA BLOOD TEARS: Sunday 19 October, 2014 Start: 11:00 The Saliva Blood Tears My tears have disappeared… and they do clap hands for me! My s...


Sunday 19 October, 2014

Start: 11:00

The Saliva Blood Tears

My tears have disappeared… and they do clap hands for me!
My saliva dances through my mouth and they marvel in admiration of my life!
My inner self bleeds thunderously…but I can still put a smile on my face!

Who would want to hear myself…I do not have anyone to ask.
Who is there with a cool hand to comfort my heart beat…
A question I would wish to ask myself, but the fear of more heat lashes silences my curiosity.
My curiosity…the pavement to my heart desire, a dream reckoned a mystery.

I wonder how people value themselves…
Is it from the voices of the ear
From the voices of the heart?
From the creations of the mind?
Or just an element of surprise…
Every day… they wake up!

What would you do if you are painted stupid from your intelligence?
Or when you are labelled intelligent from your stupidity?
How would you call your tomorrow to come and comfort your today?
How would you call your yesterday to shape your today’s words?
Or even to sit down with your today…for a cup of coffee?
Ooooh, hahaha yes a cup of coffee!

I used to see a giant…but I am now seeing a small mouse under a table.
I used to hear sweet words from the latest words factory…but now I only hear words that can turn your clothes into tartars…
What happened to the golden smile…full of a beautiful scent from the honey bee fresh flowers?
What happened to the visionary who would interpret visions?
I guess I lost my angel!

Please come my dear friend…please come
I did not mean to be mean!
But… I thought the beautiful road continues to unfold itself.
The mystery of destiny…the experience of life unfolding its colours.
Please hold my hand my angel…I do not want to drown in these painful swamps…
Please hold my hand my angel and strengthen my heart and heal me from these wounds.

I have never been a fighter…because I grew up after the fight!
I didn’t expect defeats in these wars because I am born of a soldier.
Isn’t a son of a soldier a soldier?
Then why do I have to fight everyday…for my survival?
Why am I in this jungle of furious wars of survival?
Why do I struggle to breathe whenever I want to express myself?
Why do I get choked from a soft voice?
These fights are not mine… please take your fights and fight yourself.

Is this kind of a school or prison?
Is this a prison school?
Or it is actually a prison in school?
Why would I be in a prison, if I came to school to learn?
Or why should I learn if I am in a prison?

They say he was imprisoned and he became the King.
They say they were imprisoned and they became Masters.
Which syllabus is this my pen?
How come I didn’t receive the course textbooks?
Was I absent on that day? ...Yes, it is funny!
Am I not the first small white stool in a bookshop?
 Am I not the first cottage that was built on the corner stand?
Am I not the farm that got rescued from the scavengers of opportunities?
The left foot that stepped first on top of that mountain?
Who could be there to witness it all?
My angel…talk to me…
Talk to me my angel and help me to see the light…

I now admit that I silently cry…during the day
And I loudly cry in the night times!
The tears…those tears of confusion
The tears…those tears of fear of the future
The tears…and those tears of a heart torn apart
The tears… those tears of a mouth muted
The tears…and those tears from dark illusions!
Who would dare to listen to you?
What if you are better than before?
What if you are better than the next?
What if you are better than tomorrow?
So can I stop to cry because I am better?
Do we live a life of comparison and averageness?
Does the pattern have to follow a pattern?
Or it can jump high like a progressive graph?

That is what I believe…
That we were born to be better day by day…
Until we reach the perfection of the last day!

I think I threw everything that I had in bunt trash…
What is it that I left myself with?
What is it?

Unto the power of the pen… I will raise my voice
Unto my faith…I will give birth again
Unto my hope…I will dream again
Unto my prophesy…I will declare again!

That I am born from the skin of truth
That I am born from the words of power
That I am born from the breath of oracles
And that I am born from the Kingdom of grace and mercy!

I do not believe in the evil spirits, because I believe in the greater force
I do not believe in fights, because mine were won long ago
I do not believe in failure, because before my existence I conquered
And birth is my majestic evidence!
I will live…because I lived!
I will win…because I won!
I will love…because I was loved!
And I will direct…because I live in a given direction!
The gift of giving…once given, twice you give.

Once the child doesn’t cry, the more the mother cries
Once the heart doesn’t speak, the more the hand speaks
Once the eye doesn’t see, the more the brains see
And once the brain doesn’t think, the more the actions think!

One would say “A cry from abundance of ignorance”
One would say “mixed truth unfolds”
But from saliva blood tears- I set my self-free!
Free like a bird I will continue to fly…
Until the day of the nest!

From my rest to my nest I rest, and from my nest I rest until I nest.

End:  00:10
By VaChikepe: The Poet
(+263) 0772 488 777
Publisher T.P Chikepe

(Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)


Sunday 19 October, 2014 Start: 11:00 The Saliva Blood Tears My tears have disappeared… and they do clap hands for me! My saliva dances through my mouth and they marvel in admiration of my life! My inner self bleeds thunderously…but I can still put a smile on my face! Who would want to hear myself…I do not have anyone to ask. Who is there with a cool hand to comfort my heart beat… A question I would wish to ask myself, but the fear of more heat lashes silences my curiosity. My curiosity…the pavement to my heart desire, a dream reckoned a mystery. I wonder how people value themselves… Is it from the voices of the ear From the voices of the heart? From the creations of the mind? Or just an element of surprise… Every day… they wake up! What would you do if you are painted stupid from your intelligence? Or when you are labelled intelligent from your stupidity? How would you call your tomorrow to come and comfort your today? How would you call your yesterday to shape your today’s words? Or even to sit down with your today…for a cup of coffee? Ooooh, hahaha yes a cup of coffee! I used to see a giant…but I am now seeing a small mouse under a table. I used to hear sweet words from the latest words factory…but now I only hear words that can turn your clothes into tartars… What happened to the golden smile…full of a beautiful scent from the honey bee fresh flowers? What happened to the visionary who would interpret visions? I guess I lost my angel! Please come my dear friend…please come I did not mean to be mean! But… I thought the beautiful road continues to unfold itself. The mystery of destiny…the experience of life unfolding its colours. Please hold my hand my angel…I do not want to drown in these painful swamps… Please hold my hand my angel and strengthen my heart and heal me from these wounds. I have never been a fighter…because I grew up after the fight! I didn’t expect defeats in these wars because I am born of a soldier. Isn’t a son of a soldier a soldier? Then why do I have to fight everyday…for my survival? Why am I in this jungle of furious wars of survival? Why do I struggle to breathe whenever I want to express myself? Why do I get choked from a soft voice? These fights are not mine… please take your fights and fight yourself. Is this kind of a school or prison? Is this a prison school? Or it is actually a prison in school? Why would I be in a prison, if I came to school to learn? Or why should I learn if I am in a prison? They say he was imprisoned and he became the King. They say they were imprisoned and they became Masters. Which syllabus is this my pen? How come I didn’t receive the course textbooks? Was I absent on that day? ...Yes, it is funny! Am I not the first small white stool in a bookshop? Am I not the first cottage that was built on the corner stand? Am I not the farm that got rescued from the scavengers of opportunities? The left foot that stepped first on top of that mountain? Who could be there to witness it all? My angel…talk to me… Talk to me my angel and help me to see the light… I now admit that I silently cry…during the day And I loudly cry in the night times! The tears…those tears of confusion The tears…those tears of fear of the future The tears…and those tears of a heart torn apart The tears… those tears of a mouth muted The tears…and those tears from dark illusions! Who would dare to listen to you? What if you are better than before? What if you are better than the next? What if you are better than tomorrow? So can I stop to cry because I am better? Do we live a life of comparison and averageness? Does the pattern have to follow a pattern? Or it can jump high like a progressive graph? That is what I believe… That we were born to be better day by day… Until we reach the perfection of the last day! I think I threw everything that I had in bunt trash… What is it that I left myself with? What is it? Unto the power of the pen… I will raise my voice Unto my faith…I will give birth again Unto my hope…I will dream again Unto my prophesy…I will declare again! That I am born from the skin of truth That I am born from the words of power That I am born from the breath of oracles And that I am born from the Kingdom of grace and mercy! I do not believe in the evil spirits, because I believe in the greater force I do not believe in fights, because mine were won long ago I do not believe in failure, because before my existence I conquered And birth is my majestic evidence! I will live…because I lived! I will win…because I won! I will love…because I was loved! And I will direct…because I live in a given direction! The gift of giving…once given, twice you give. Once the child doesn’t cry, the more the mother cries Once the heart doesn’t speak, the more the hand speaks Once the eye doesn’t see, the more the brains see And once the brain doesn’t think, the more the actions think! One would say “A cry from abundance of ignorance” One would say “mixed truth unfolds” But from saliva blood tears- I set my self-free! Free like a bird I will continue to fly… Until the day of the nest! From my rest to my nest I rest, and from my nest I rest until I nest. End: 00:10 By VaChikepe: The Poet (+263) 0772 488 777 @Publishar Publisher T.P Chikepe (Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)

Saturday, 18 October 2014


VaChikepe: The Poet: A YOU COFFEE?

VaChikepe: The Poet: A YOU COFFEE?: Saturday 18 October 2014 Start: 7:00 A YOU COFFEE?                                                                         I test...


Saturday 18 October 2014
Start: 7:00
A YOU COFFEE?                                                                       
I tested alcohol…but it wasn’t my taste!
It really slowed down my intelligence and even invited more slumberness.
I even tested cocaine…but I could not understand its speed…
It strained by sense of balance and pushed my feelings and emotions aside!
I eventually tested the natural herb…
And it became another vision of my eyesight,
And it became a sense of relaxation…for my ever thinking brains
And it became another picture that can be painted by nature,
And the wishes of those who crossed to the other side of life!
But! Unfortunately it did not over take the power of the tongue,
That God deposited on my tongue, as a gift!

With my tongue I can speak!
With my tongue I can prophesy!
With my tongue I can create!
With my tongue I can see visions!
And with my tongue…I can understand the word of God!

The natural herb brought me a picture…and my tongue brought me prophetic visions that I fulfill every day of my life!

I think that by now…my intelligent overtakes that of the natural herb!

“An element of not being a perfectionist…the first born of love, the love for fullness unto all, priesthood invitation and a license to the world of learners. The best gift from creation… The promotion of humanity”

I just wonder…the way I feel towards things,
If it is the same as others!
Being the same…I believe they will crown me the King!
Being not! I believe they will enjoy teaching me ‘The variety of variations’

Telling me that…
“1. If man descended from other forms of life, we ought to have the same number of chromosomes, and the DNA count should be the same.”

Telling me that…
“2. “It is God who created everything”

Telling me that…
3. “Homology is the name given to the effort of science to prove evolutionary theory on the basis of shallow physical similarities between various creatures”

Telling me that…
4. “Human beings have 46 chromosomes in each body cell, while in their reproductive cells (the egg and the sperm) they are only half that number (23)”

And bla bla bla…the story continues…!

To my surprise…Why did the system ban the herb?
Was it officialized? Did people contribute to it?
Or we only got systemized by the system?

I am not a black person…I refuse!
Nor am I a white person…I refuse!
But, I am a “Munhu”…
Something you will have to learn when you have got something to do with it!
“The chromosonical balance of good character and personality…within nature, behavior and within spirituality”

I believe names have got power!
That is the reason why I believe in Jesus Christ!
If you do not believe in him fine…
Why was he beaten to change his name?
Why was he beaten to change his name?
Why was Kundakinde beaten to change his name?
You see! That is the reason why I believe…
Why I believe that names have got power!

I am not a black person…
Because I did’nt do anything black!
But I am a Munhu…because I am full of Hunhu!
“An element of life and love…an element of beauty and oneness”
To the footsteps of my destiny I will forever climb…and to the fullness of time I will forever reach! Until I am back to where I started…improving everything to its greatness and in its fullness! Until the steps of life, becomes a natural way to reality…God’s happiness to a closer relationship with His people.

1. “How come more white people drink coffee than the black people?”
2. “How come more black people smoke more herb than the white people?
3. How come the herb is illegal and coffee is legal?
Now tell me…
4.  What would happen to the coffee drinkers…if coffee was to be banned today?

I guess the mystery remains, with the leaners…my profession- my gift from the heavenly places.

I guess if I was asked…what colour is your skin?
I would say it is coffee to brown!
To black…I will never subscribe!
To blackness…I will never subscribe!
For the light of God will forever shine on me!
I guess lets help each other…
To ask God…the colour of His light on us!

I guess the mystery remains, with the leaners…our profession- our gift from the heavenly places.

What would you do…?
If you were invited for a cup of coffee?
What would you do…?
If you were to be invited for a cup of coffee?
What would you do…?
If you were to see a hot steaming cup of coffee before your cravings?
What would you do? What would you do?

Would you agree to Colin Patterson…
A Paleontologist at British Museum?
Would you agree with him after his 20 years of evolutionary research?
In which he was unable to come up with even one thing that proved evolutionary theory?
Would you agree with him?
Haaaa? Would you agree with him?

Unto Caffeinism…I burn and throw into hell fire!
Unto Insomnia…  I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto nervousness… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto stomach upset… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto nausea and vomiting… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto increased heart and breathing rate… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto anxiety… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
And…unto agitation and ringing in the ears… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
In the Mighty name of Lord  Jesus Christ!!!

Unto Patterson’s Conclusion- do you agree?
…evolution was an "anti-theory" that produced "anti-knowledge." He elaborated on this by saying that evolution is full of special words that explain nothing, yet give the expression that they explain everything. Something that produces "anti-knowledge," really produces ignorance. And surely we do not want that!”

But unto my revelation…I continue to share the light and burn the bad!
Unto bleeding disorders… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto diabetes… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto diarrhea… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto irritable bowel syndrome… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto glaucoma… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
Unto high blood pressure… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
And unto thinning bones (osteoporosis)… I burn and throw into hell fire! 
In the Mighty name of….. ….. …. …!

Are we more superior and special to animals or we are related?
Are we more superior and special to nature or we are related?
I guess the mystery remains, with the leaners…our profession- our gift from the heavenly places!

How would you define…
Some mammalias having chromosomes from 17 to 22?
How would you define…
Some protozoa like Radiolaria having more than 800 chromosomes?
And how would you define…
A fungi like Bacillus having only 1 chromosome?
I guess the mystery remains, with the leaners…our profession- our gift from the heavenly places!

But unto the healing gift of life given through a relieved mental and physical state from fatigue I will forever receive, cherish and share unto all!
Unto the healing gift of life given through an increase in mental alertness…I will forever receive, cherish and share unto all! 
Unto the healing gift of life given through a free state of life, from Parkison’s disease…I will forever receive, cherish and share unto all!
Unto the healing gift of life given through a free state of life, from gallstones and type 2 diabetes… I will forever receive, cherish and share unto all!
Unto the healing gift of life given through a free state of life, from gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer…I will forever receive, cherish and share unto all!
Unto the healing gift of life given through a free state of life, from headaches, low blood pressure, obesity and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)… I will forever receive, cherish and share unto all!

Unto all! Unto all and unto all- The purpose of our creation to God!
“Love…the greatest measurement tool of God’s love towards our life”

What would you do…?
If you were invited for a cup of coffee?
What would you do…?
If you were to be invited for a cup of coffee?
What would you do…?
If you were to see a hot steaming cup of coffee before your cravings?
What would you do? What would you do?

Unto my honey, I keep on encouraging more and more!
Unto my revelation, I will keep on sharing more and more!
And unto the truth, I will keep on knocking for more answers unto all!

If you were taken to Greek, Roman, Vedic, and Islamic states in the periods of Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) and in the periods of Aristoxenus (320 BC)…what would the philosophers and scientists tell you about process of regurgitation and evaporation?
Echoes the voices of monosaccharides, fructose and glucose, minereals and water from the melody of my ears!
The Ancient Egyptians saw the wounds of their people disappearing, the ancient Greeks believed and lived longer after their consumption, even the Prophet Mohammed glorified the healing powers of honey and the Quran praised honey’s healing power by saying…
And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations; Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought.”
If you were asked about it…what would you say?
What would King David say about it? If in the Bible (Old Testament), King Solomon said "My son, eat thou honey, for it is good", and there are a number of reasons why it may be good.
I guess the mystery remains, with the leaners…our profession- our gift from the heavenly places!

Then what more of more?
Yes! It shortened the duration of bacterial diarrhea in infants and young children…
Yes! Wounds were healed from their ugly burns and chronic wound infections…
Yes! Seasonal allergies were minimized…
Yes! I would not resist Dr. Rowena Jenkin’s report that “honey kills bacteria by destroying key bacterial proteins.
Yes! The natural honey kills bacteria three times more effectively than an artificial honey!  
Then what more of more?

1. Would coffee free us from the state of Ebola eating environment?
2. Would honey free us from the state of Ebola eating environment?
3. Would the natural herb free us from the state of Ebola eating environment?
4. Or it is just the fullness of time…man’s cruelty back firing on him?
I guess the mystery remains, with the leaners…our profession- our gift from the heavenly places!

I was to meet Coffee…
I would ask him a simple question…
“Are you coffee? And why were you created? ...after that I would ask him, if he knew anyone who was holding the cure to Ebola…and I would ask the same question ‘who are you and why were you created?’ ”

What kind of an animal would want to eat more than 10 000 people per week?
What kind of an animal continuously reproduces itself against humanity?
What kind of an animal fights against oxygen and carbon dioxide for more than a week…only to be defeated later?
Isn’t planet Mars calling us from Mother Earth?
Or the universe is calling us to another destiny?
If there was not individualism, but oneness in this life would the situation be better?
Or we were going to turn against God like the tower of Babel people?

“Now the whole world had one language and a common speech… They said to each other, ‘Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth!... But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other… So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.”
Thus, the above quotation “Remains my home work!”.

END: 00:00


By VaChikepe: The Poet
(+263) 0772 488 777
Publisher T.P Chikepe
(Reporting from Katanga Norton, Zimbabwe-Africa)