Sunday 4 January 2015


Sunday 4 January 2015
Written: 2015 (My African Mental Physics [10] )
Start: 17:20
End:  18:11

I hear they are being killed…
Killed for what they do not know!
‘Do you really know why you were killed?’
Asked he asked, the dead person.
Would they have received the answer?
Culture, tradition and customs destroyed!
Would they be the ones who destroyed it?
I doubt about that…
Maybe systematization blind folded their eyes to vanity.
Them to blame… ‘no no no…
Not even a single day!’ He would say…

Africa can you hear some new voices…
From your gatherings and the ground?
‘No no no… we can’t’
Why not…?
‘We are busy crying and burying our relatives,
Who died from an unknown disease!’
Can you please cry with us…
‘How can we cry- more whilst we are still crying?’
What are our ancestors saying about these things?
‘We no longer hear the voices of our ancestors…
The politicians domesticated all the culture!’
So Mr author…are you not afraid of them?
‘I am one of them, that is the reason why I am writing this poem!’
A politician? ‘Yes a politician!’

 ‘Who dears to kill, before being killed?
Is this war?
Who is fighting who?
And… since when?
Was it foreseen or a surprise?’
Asked the dead man to another dead man new arrival!
‘Has dying become the new fashion of life?’
Asked the dead man questioner!
If the dead would fight with the living what would remain?
‘Dead people!’ Answered all the dead people.

What is it that we did to deserve this- our ancestors in West Africa?
What is it that we did to deserve this- our ancestors tattered all over the world?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it that we have done?

‘I do not believe in that!’
Said one living being of the deceased,
What do you believe in, the author asked?
‘More life!’
A-ha more life…
An act of tranquility between the beginning and the end!
Why would a living being leave to live?
Situations crossing people’s boundaries,
Without leaving room for them to vote!
‘What is it that I am allowed to vote for in this world?
 Even my prayers, not all of them are answered, as I recall’
Echoed an old man sitting on a bench of the living!
Situations, the greatest enemy against my people’s wishes!

This is my intellectual clap!
One clap is a sign of the war…
Two blows are symptoms of war…
A kickback is the beginning of the war…
Bloodshed marks the end of the war…
And Death echoes peace and tranquility to all human vibrations!
That, to which we are forced to believe…
That, to which we have fallen victims of!

Arise man for the son…
Arise woman for the girl…
To face the true truth…
And make today the future- a better history!
It is all in the inner fire,
And it is all just a step from your consciousness.
A jackal living to bite its tail…
To a jackal pack living from surviving to living!
‘Iron bars removed from our necks,
But financial bars put on our necks!’   
Said the poor street boy sitting on the edge of his intellectual clap…
Too big for him to shut up from these situational devils!


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